Charlie Papworth

Residential Sales

Charlie Papworth BA (Hons) has been working in the estate agency industry for 9 years and over that time has built up great knowledge and experience of property across Suffolk. 

In 2018, Charlie left Diamond Mills, the family business, to gain experience working for a highly successful Ipswich estate agency for almost 2 years and found it an invaluable time of his life to see estate agency from a different perspective building great relationships with colleagues, clients and developers. 

Charlie returned to Diamond Mills in January 2020 and shortly after the Coronavirus pandemic struck the world, Diamond Mills continued to have their best year of business after 112 years of trading!

Charlie tends to conduct the majority of the property valuations to sell and also has a passion for selling beach huts in Felixstowe! 

In his meantime, he enjoys playing sport at the local hockey and tennis club and spending time with his fiancee and miniature dachshund, Reginald.  Charlie is a big Ipswich Town Football Club fan and loves to cheer on the blues when he has time!


Telephone: 01394 282281